Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hello Ver 0.1

A science fiction story
Author Vieome

Doctor Roo sat in from of his computer and
decided to write a document for his web site.
This is a copy of that page. I enjoyed it, I can
only hope that you do too.

The Potential
By Dr Roo

Welcome to a new way of looking at the world.
A world of endless possiblities. Something good
will happen to you this week. How do I know?

The (O)ne(o)w thinking
The human brain is a quantum computer. The central
processing unit of the brain, the human mind (of (whcih)
you have (one)) is capable of bringing anything in to
existance out of the quantum field.

Dont be a slave
It is strange how anyone can refuse a gift of such magnitude.
When you reprogram your mind to accept the quantum gift
you will see the chains of your mind come undone. I know
that right now you are adrift at sea. But I bring word that
land has been found.

Think good thoughts and goodness will flow in abundance
Act good acts and greatness will flow in your life.

To be continued...

Stress massager Ver 1.1

This is the stress massager a program to help
you a(liv)iate the preditors of your mind.

Identify the stress
My job is so stressful, my life is so dis(mail)
painful. You know the thoughts you have
them from time to time.

Study the variable
Here is something that you are thinking, ask
your self why are you thinking those thoughts.
Mohamed Ali (cassius clay) said that if he had
been a road sweeper then he would of been the
worlds greatest road sweeper.

You Are what you think
Now ask yourselve why you think the world
is against you. Know that it is not against you
infact it is willing to give you anything you
desire, be that a life away from stress.
If you currently think your life is stressful
then so shall it be.

Take the things that stress you out and put
them on paper. Then for each of the items
on your list build a picture of it in your mind
and now imagine yourself reacting differently
to the stress. For every stress you feel tell
yourself it is a step toward the next good thing
in your life.

Then smile somemore.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Gift

This essay is a tutorial that will help make your dreams a reality.
All you have to do is follow a few simple instructions. Many sites
which seek to share things like how to gain wealth and prosperity
tend to have the hidden hand of control a price tag. This information
is totally free.

Right now you must feel like this is all bullsh*t but believe you me, when you see the light, it will feel like the hand of God has reached down and touched you. This is not about religion its more about the fact that we now have
proof that science and religion are now one.

I wont waste any of your time lets get down to business.

The program
Write down a list of twenty things that you want to come true. Now choose
five things from that list. Then for each one of the five write down what you
need to do to get them. Now imagine what you will feel when you get them. Stay with that feeling and know that you already have it. All you have
to do now is just believe it, through and through, body mind and spirit.

Okay you have some doubt, it all seems too easy. Well here comes the not so hard part, all you have to do now is walk the path of the things you need
to do and soon the dream will come true.

The human
Us humans have a duality to us. The dark side and the light side. Your dark
side Lets call it jack. Jack is the one telling you right now that this wont work.

The light side whcih we will call jill is the one saying to you what have you
got to lose.

To manifest anything you desire, recognize jack and then move toward jill.
In jills corner you will find that it is all about the now. Its feeling in the present
that dream you have of the future. Pay attention to the events that happen to
you after you make your mind up to accept the gift. You will notice that you
expierance many sychronistic events, this will be learning lessons of some
sort. Learn and then go with the flow.

The jill side is the house of love so from the moment forth do every small
and big task with full attention and love and soon you will see that you are
living your dream. Lastly make sure you thank your lucky stars in advance.


alright now

For the most part the hardest thing not to do is worry about the
future. When we know that all that matters is here and now.
To be in the present moment is the most important thing because
that is what life is all about.

To get into the now all one has to do is spring clean their minds
and replace what was once thought with what ever dream one has
then live the dream.

When I came across and decided to try this manifest thing I made
the mistake of trying to change over night.

This time take it slow, one step at a time.

The smoking

The smoking exit program

This is a easy one... right. I mean if you are a smoker. One question
can your next one be your last? The thing is with the way the mind
works, just talking about smoking is probably making you wish
for one. I am haveing one right now.

Make it your intention to give up smoking right now. Now repeat
this affirmation.


Some of yous have said these words before, now is the time to
say them again.

Its my intention to give up smoking *20.

I am a non smoker*20.

Well I know whats it like it all seems impossible but dont panic
we are going to do this together.

Plan one
I will discuss the first few minutes of dealing with this breathe
killing habit.

Time 8.36 pm
Im wishing for a cancer stick. Part of me just ones to light up.
So I pause to think about what it will be like as a non smoker.
I guess it is a chance to save, truth is I dont even remember
what it was like as a non smoker. Did I have more energy
then. Did I breathe with a full breath.

Seven minutes later
Oh I am craving bad. I keep telling myself that I should have
one, as once I finish the box of four, I will have no excuse but
to follow through with my intention. Every minute without a
ciggertte is a step in the right direction.

It takes three minutes to read this document so if I read it
again I will have kicked the habit for three minutes. So I decide
to print off a copie of this and every time I wish for a smoke I will read
this to remind myself that I am now a non smoker.

But to begin with I will smoke the last four that are in the box.
Hey those are the reward for finally quiting the habit. Wait this is
too easy. No one knows how this document makes you give
up smoking, so I think I will read it again this time more

Breath in breathe out *5.



This morning I promised myself that I would sit down
this evening and write a document on discipline. Many
people find it to be quite a chore to keep a good level
of discipline because they lack an understanding on what
discipline is.

What is discipline?
It is the ability to follow through on your intentions in a
given time frame. Lack of discipline is the reason many
people fail to accomplish their new year resolutions,
the reason so many marriages fail.

The power of discipline
Discipline is the quint essential quality for manifesting
ones dreams. When the task to achieve discipline is simply
of small steps.

How to obtain discipline
Take this time to write down one thing that you wish to
do. Write down when you want the thing to be done
by. Break down your task in to bite sizes and now give
each size its own time frame. Then do each small bit with
care and attention and gratitude because you know
that every task you begin has an ending and you are one
step closer to having your desire.

Sunday, July 09, 2006